If the Republican margin is fewer than five seats, "that allows the legislative agenda to be held hostage by any small group ...
For anyone who doesn't understand the electoral weight of Northern Virginia, and how that's changed, these charts help show ...
The online panel was hosted by the Virginia Public Access Project and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George ...
Democrats were projected to win at least 208 House seats and Republicans 215 seats as of Friday. A party needs 218 seats in order to have the majority.
Republicans’ primary intervention strategy propelled them to a majority, but they failed to flip four battlegrounds that ...
Polling averages are adjusted based on state and national polls, which means candidates’ averages can shift even if no new ...
One of two special elections has been announced to fill Virginia Senate seats vacated by newly elected U.S. House members.
Evidence of Virginia’s continuing purple state status was visible before the election if one wanted to see it.