Christo­pher is urg­ing her re­place­ment, Ju­nior Ben­jamin, to be prin­ci­pled in ex­e­cut­ing his du­ties and to al­ways act with in­tegri­ty.
Ac­cess to wa­ter is a con­stant strug­gle for many res­i­dents in Moru­ga. A vis­it to the area pro­vides a stark pic­ture of this cri­sis. Makeshift rain­wa­ter col­lec­tion sys­tems are com­mon, ...
Trinidad and To­ba­go is be­gin­ning to reap the ben­e­fits of Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley’s vis­it to Ghana, as the West African coun­try re­cent­ly gift­ed T&T with ten thou­sand yam seeds.
A T&T na­tion­al want­ed in the Unit­ed States for at­tempt­ed mur­der has been ex­tra­dit­ed to face charges.
Speak­ing on Thurs­day at the Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Coun­cil Sem­i­nar, he said glob­al bod­ies must come to­geth­er to tack­le the neg­a­tive im­pact of gangs on so­ci­eties.